
Our CO2 Compensation for the Second Half of 2020

After our compensation payment to atmosfair on 02.06.2020, we have now also compensated our CO2 emissions in the amount of 21,740 kg for the second half of 2020. 
Due to the Covid19 situation, the carbon footprint of our law firm has been significantly reduce. In particular, business trips have become much rarer and, due to working from home, we have saved on commuting between the office and our homes. The carbon dioxide emissions nonetheless caused by our firm in the second half of 2020 have now been compensated by us. It bears noting that in doing so, we have added a generous supplement on the amount calculated for our office premises, in order to account for the increased energy consumption in our homes due to our home office arrangements.
Once again, we paid the compensatory amount to atmosfair and, according to the certificate issued, 21,740 kg of CO2 greenhouse gases have been compensated.