Publications Dr Heiner Kahlert

Le Tribunal Arbitral du Basketball (BAT)

Dr Heiner Kahlert / 2023

in: jurisport (La revue Juridique et economique du Sport) 2023/05, issue 241, pp.16 (co-author: Benjamin Schindler)

Der verfassungsrechtliche Rahmen der Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit

Dr Heiner Kahlert / 2023

in: SchiedsVZ 1/2023, p. 2 et seq.

Sporting Succession at FIBA

Dr. Heiner Kahlert, David Menz / 2022

in: Cambreleng Contreras/Samarth/Vandellós Alamilla (eds.), Sporting Succession in Football, Issue I-2022, p. 339 et seq. (authors: Dr Heiner Kahlert, David Menz)

Mehr Meinungsfreiheit im Sport

Dr Heiner Kahlert / August 2021

NJW 2021, S. 15 (co-author: Dr Marie-Christin Bareuther)

New York Convention

Dr Heiner Kahlert / January 2019

Weigand/Baumann, Practitioner’s Handbook on International Commercial Arbitration, 3rd edition 2019, p. 1572-1777 (co-author: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Haas)

Chapter 8: Germany

Dr Heiner Kahlert / June 2016

Carl Rohsler (ed.), The Gambling Law Review, 2016, pp. 82-93

Privacy and Confidentiality

Heiner Kahlert (co-author) / 2nd ed. 2015

in: Böckstiegel/Kröll/Nacimiento (eds.), Arbitration in Germany – The Model Law in practice, 2nd ed. 2015 (co-author: Prof Dr Ulrich Haas)

(In)voluntary submission to Arbitration in Germany, Switzerland and beyond

Dr Heiner Kahlert / November 2013

European International Arbitration Review, Vol. 2 Issue 1, 2013, pp. 175-190