UEFA Financial Fairplay: Bursaspor yellow carded, Besiktas red carded
Christian Keidel / May 2015
Juristisches Glossar
Paul Fischer / March 2015
in: Gier, Helmut (ed.), Paul von Stetten d. J. Selbstbiographie. Die Lebensbeschreibung des Patriziers und Stadtpflegers der Reichsstadt Augsburg (1731-1808). Vol. 2, Augsburg 2015, pp. 627-630 (co-author: Mehmet Pektas, Attorney at Law)
Whom to sue before the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS)?
Christian Keidel, Alexander Engelhard / August 2014
Finalist des Soccerex Writing Competitions on Legal Issues in Football, see http://www.lawinsport.com/articles/item/whom-to-sue-before-the-court-of-arbitration-for-sport-cas-entry-d?category_id=112
The Role of the Arbitrator in CAS Proceedings
Dr Dirk-Reiner Martens / February 2014
CAS Bulletin, 2014-2, pp. 31-47, 2014
(In)voluntary submission to Arbitration in Germany, Switzerland and beyond
Dr Heiner Kahlert / November 2013
European International Arbitration Review, Vol. 2 Issue 1, 2013, pp. 175-190
Confidentiality in Arbitration – A Tale of Doves, Chromatics and European Divides
Heiner Kahlert / November 2013
European International Arbitration Review, Vol. 2 Issue 1 (2013), pp. 27-40
The German Olympic Protection Act under scrutiny – current case law on protecting holders of rights against ambush marketing
Alexander Engelhard (co-author) / October 2013
[published in German: "Olympiaschutzgesetz auf dem Prüfstand – Aktuelle Rechtsprechung zum Schutz der Rechteinhaber vor Ambush Marketing”], Kommunikation und Recht, 2013, Issue 10, p. 633 (co-author: Dr André Soldner LL.M.)
Anmerkung zu Schweizer Bundesgericht: Zivilrechtliche Beschwerde gegen Schiedsspruch ohne Begründung
Andreas Zagklis, Heiner Kahlert / July 2013
SpuRt 3/2013, p. 117 et seq.
Olympic Games in Sochi: Full Speed Ahead also for Arbitration
Christian Keidel / June 2013
[published in German: "Olympische Spiele in Sotschi 2014 – Zeit für Höchstgeschwindigkeit auch für die Sportschiedsgerichtsbarkeit"], SpuRt 6/2013, p. 253
Bankruptcy in early modern German territories
Paul Fischer / January 2013
in: Safley, Thomas Max (Hrsg.), The History of Bankruptcy. Economic, Social and Cultural Implications in Early Modern Europe, Oxon 2013, pp. 173-184
Contentious Claims – a Problem for UEFA
Christian Keidel / December 2012
[published in German: "Streitige Forderungen – ein Problem für die UEFA”], Sponsors 12/2012, p. 30
A U-turn in the Act on the Right to Produce Short News Reports – the case law of the German Federal Constitutional Court under scrutiny
Alexander Engelhard (co-author) / August 2012
[published in German: "Kehrtwende im Recht zur Kurzberichterstattung? – Die Rechtsprechung des BVerfG auf dem Prüfstand”], Kommunikation und Recht, 2012, Issue 7/8, p. 488 (co-author: Dr André Soldner LL.M.)
Cases C-403/08 and C-429/08 Murphy
Heiner Kahlert (co-author) / April 2012
19 Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 1 (2012), pp. 110-119 (co-author: Prof Dr Ulrich Haas)
Das “Murphy / Premier League”- Urteil des EuGH – Kein Debakel für Inhaber von Sportübertragungsrechten
Heiner Kahlert / December 2011
causa sport 4/2011, pp. 323-333